In a sector of activity that is threatened and often blacklisted by banks, the following turnaround was one of the most conclusive!
I was in contact with a building and civil engineering company. His business was at a standstill, and financial problems were arising (requests for overdrafts to the bank were becoming more and more important and more often). His company had been established for about a year. Following the municipal elections of 2014, the number of building sites and calls for tender became scarce. My contractor then started to wonder about the future of his company!
Our method was to carry out a strategic diagnosis of his company and to take a detailed look at its activities (known as Strategic Business Areas) and its market. This is a fairly in-depth study highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the company and the opportunities and threats in its environment. At the same time, we carried out a complete financial diagnosis of the company. This confirmed our strategic conclusions and enabled us to envisage the company's capacity to develop and in what proportions.
Thanks to this study, we were able to propose a diversification strategy for our client's business. We also drew up a presentation file for his application to the banks (business plan) and accompanied him to his bank meetings.
Today this company is doing well, it has invested to become a key player in a niche market.